I have so many regrets. Some of which are of my own doing, and some of which are the product of choices I made under duress. I regret not telling J just how much I thought of her. This was well over two Earth decades ago at this point, but whenever Read more…


I was sixteen Xyberian years old when I was drafted into the Federal Intergalactic Xyberforce. My aptitude tests placed me in a role fitting of those who were strong of resolve, but less so of  body. I was placed in the hall of Wyngs. Depending on one’s scores, one might Read more…


So here we are—five years on and one anomaly later, and I’ve somehow managed to survive all of this. Perhaps this host isn’t as feeble as I’d originally thought. We grew into each other, I suppose. Will that continue? Time will tell… Tonight was the culmination of years of never Read more…

Deus Ex Machina

I suppose I should begin with an apology. I’m sorry—to my friends, and to the people who’ve believed in me. For the past year and some change, I haven’t been the jovial Razerh̷҉͢ą̴҉͠w̷̢̛̕͞k͘͏̷̴̕ everyone has come to know. It wasn’t a good 2020 for my host, and he took things Read more…

Refusing to Be Silent

I’ve been wanting to express these thoughts in a little bit longer form for a while now, so apologies if this becomes a stream of consciousness. The sentiment that “we as entertainers” should “stay in our lane” or “avoid political commentary” has been an idea that I’ve struggled with since Read more…