So here we are—five years on and one anomaly later, and I’ve somehow managed to survive all of this. Perhaps this host isn’t as feeble as I’d originally thought. We grew into each other, I suppose. Will that continue? Time will tell…

Tonight was the culmination of years of never walking away, even when no one would have thought poorly of it.

I needed this more than anything I’ve needed in quite some time. My first two matches back after over a year off and I win the Dropkick Depression Heavyweight Championship—very fly, to say the least. There are countless people I can credit with giving me the drive and ability to accomplish this feat, and as the Champ, I’m very much looking forward to making them proud that they stood by me.

It’s funny—if the anomaly were still with us, I’m sure he’d be pitching a fit. C’est la vie.

Categories: Blog