“The Indestructible Lucha Wonderbird” isn’t just some catchy nickname for ring announcers to tout alongside the usual stats during my introduction. It’s the irrefutable truth about who I am.
I’ve been through wars with many opponents, and I have the battle wounds to prove it.
I’ve taken beatings that would leave most others lying in a heap, and I’ve asked for more.
I employ death-defying aerial maneuvers and elegant technical holds taught to me by some of the world’s best lucha libre masters.
Championships and Accomplishments
Flying V Double Dash Tag Team Tournament Champion
Dropkick Depression Heavyweight Champion
CHIKARA Young Lions Cup Champion
15x UBW Infinity World Champion
Royal Ramble 2 Winner
A Real Mover and a Shaker
A world-traveled luchador extraordinario—
I’ve wrestled in over 40 cities, 13 states, and 3 countries!
For booking inquiries, please e-mail me!