The recent allegations levied against CHIKARA and The Wrestle Factory have saddened, horrified, and infuriated us. Our hearts go out to every victim of the reprehensible behavior that’s been exposed in this industry over the past week—wrestling should be better than this. Hell, mankind should be better than this.

We’ve always firmly believed in the guiding spirit and principles of CHIKARA. We truly appreciate the wealth of knowledge and incredible opportunities afforded to us while there, and we feel very fortunate to have developed many deep friendships along the way.

That said, effective immediately we are ending our relationships with CHIKARA and The Wrestle Factory.

We got into wrestling to fake fight, do flips, and throw ourselves on the ground—not to be a beacon of hope in a gross industry. And we don’t feel like we are.

We should not applaud people for being decent—that’s table stakes. That’s the bare minimum we should be expecting of each other.

We don’t know what the future holds for us, or whether there’s even a future for Xyberhawx2000. These past several months have been mentally and emotionally draining, so we’re probably going to need some time. But you’ll see us around, for sure.

“Courage is not having the strength to go on, it’s going on when you don’t have the strength.”

Categories: Blog