I have so many regrets. Some of which are of my own doing, and some of which are the product of choices I made under duress.

I regret not telling J just how much I thought of her. This was well over two Earth decades ago at this point, but whenever I think of the moment I had and the moment I wasted, it stings all the same.

I also regret not kicking the Commander in his teeth the moment I found out my first assignment.

Our assignment was to journey through space and time—to a remote galaxy they called the River of Heaven (your Milky Way), to root out a great evil and stop it from taking control of this galaxy, which would supposedly jeopardize other civilizations in the galactic neighborhood —and eventually—the entire galactic cluster.

It wasn’t a large jump through the spacetime fabric, but it was enough that we’d need to leave our carbon-based vessels behind. You simply can’t jump through time and/or space and maintain your spongy existence.

I had a life before this. It had only just begun—but I had friends, family, and a Xyberian I was head over heels for. I lost all of it for a “duty” that was entirely based on lies.

Categories: Lore